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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Industrialization Of Love

Online dating is not a new phenomenon. Every aspect of human life is going online. It was, rather a natural evolution of “connected humans” to take their love life online. Now it is spreading like wildfire. There is absolutely no control. What we are witnessing is industrialization of love. The driving principle behind industrialization was mass production. Thus making things cheap and readily available in huge quantities driving up the consumption. Industrialization was making huge inroads into every aspect of human life. Almost everything that humans desired and consumed was coming out of huge assembly lines. New products were being launched in the market rapidly. Industrialization had answers to all our problems.

With the advent of the internet, human being witnessed the second phase of industrialization. Internet worked as a catalyst. It broke all geographical limitations that industries were struggling with.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

My Tryst With Gun

I was looking to buy a cheap top of the line laptop. Cheap and top of the line sums up every Indian’s disconnect between reality and want. We always want the best but do not want to spend the money that quality commands. In the ideal world of an Indian guy, Mac books should be sold in Dollar Tree. When I set out to buy a laptop, obviously I stated with the best possible specifications. I wanted a 12- or 13-inch laptop. Should definitely have SSD. Processor has to be i7 or i5. Even though I will use it just to watch movies or browse cheap deals. With these specification in mind, I set out to look for a laptop. I found a lot of them. From mac books to Dell XPS to HP elite. These were really good laptops. But the only issue was that they were expensive. My determined Indian mind dismissed these options labelling them as glorifying examples of crony capitalism of USA. How convenient of me. Humans (read it as Indians) always come up with such convenient incorrect baseless generalization when the reality is far from the bubble that we have built in our heads.

 I started looking at other avenues. Undeterred and oblivious of the realities, I was adamant to find a laptop with specifications wort 1000 dollars that can be bought in mere 300 dollars.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Beard and Brown Skin

I love to grow a beard. A good, well-grown and groomed beard looks cool. I can attribute two reasons for my love for a beard. One, I am lazy to shave and two, I really like beards. Ok, enough drooling over beards. I feel adding an Indian perspective to anything really makes it interesting. I hope that this is an interesting take on beards by an Indian guy living in the USA. The key words to heed here are “Indian guy”, “beard” and the mighty, but strange, USA.

About a year and half back, I grew a beard and I liked it. At least, I thought it looked cool. Then, things started to happen in my life that I had never experienced before. I started getting attention from completely strange, unrelated, unknown people. Random people would come up to me and compliment my beard. What really made those compliments interesting was the places where I got them.

A few compliments made me happy. Like the receptionist at my work. I have been coming to the same office for almost a year and she never noticed me. Then beard. I mean, a weird thing happened. She noticed me

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Things Indians Do in USA - Frugality

One thing that stands out and perhaps unites all Indians living in USA is frugality. It cuts through the entire social barriers and divide. Irrespective of what gender, religion, looks, color an Indian belongs to, frugality in USA really unifies us as one. It gives us a sense of pride and achievement. We squeeze in every penny. We have been doing it for so long that it has become part of our DNA. I am sure, by now even few of our genes have altered itself as part of human (Indian) evolution.

First reaction of a marine on hearing the word “go” would be to grab his gun. For us, the first and natural reaction is Groupon. We do not do buy anything in spur of moment. We plan it, meticulously. Like a military operation. It does not matter how much, every penny counts. We can spend hours looking for ways to get five dollar off on a five-dollar purchase. It is not easy. It is a tight walk between being a cheapskate and profligate.

You name a service or a category and we have saved money on it.

Netflix Subscription: Four or five family shares the same subscription. Making it almost free. As if you bought the subscription from Dollar tree.

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