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Thursday, March 5, 2009


As always my restless mind after wandering through the numerous valleys of thoughts something that cold be very easily termed as projection of an empty soul finally decides to take a halt and churn out its opinion on RELATIONSHIP.

Let me first take some pain and try to figure out what relationship means to me or the meaning of relationship that I have understood in these twenty odd years of my existence.

To me relationship is a connection which a human being establishes with people around him or with things he posses or wishes to posses or his thoughts or his work, action.
Relationship also means the degree or authority one lends to any thing be it living, dead, material, real or virtual to impact his life.

Most of us have had some relationship going and have felt pain, stuck, devastated because of these relations. Sometimes the part with whom you are in relation with hurts you and sometime you are in

pain because you think you have hurt the other part involved in the relationship. So why to get into a relationship at all. Why can’t we save ourselves before hand from the pain by not establishing relationship?

The previous question might seem absurd to many because a world without relations is from what a human soul can perceive. What harm in that, after all think on such line could save you from a lot of pain. After all that is what is the ultimate goal of live “life without pain”. What will happen if we shun all relations, cut all connections and exist as single unconnected unit? This world will be a lot happier place. Your actions will never hurt any one neither do their actions. You will never feel obligated or tied down. A sense of freedom will prevail in every nook or corner of this world. This would end suppression and exploitation of weaker section by stronger section as in a society without relations such sections will cease to exist. Just individuals no groups. It would remove the concept of society to a greater extent if not completely abolish it. No pressure from society, no interference from society.

I personally such concept which has the potential of simplifying our lives and making it happier is worth trying once


  1. hey Anurag,
    Its very nice. You write very well and this is just one of those few examples. I have always liked your writting.
    I too believe that a relation is an emotional attachment that one feels or makes with the people or things arround him.
    Keep up the Good work.

  2. A relationship is a bonding of love. Its very human, even animals bond. Running away from love is no freedom. And where there is love, its imperative to expect sorrow. Love and sorrow are like day and light.

    One can break all the existing relationships, but very sooner or later one will make new relationships. Its impossible to stay away from bonding. Its against the human nature.

    I dont think there can be any running away from it, lest we have become machines. Even machines bond(watch the movie Wall-E)....:)

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